
What is Next Steps?

Next Steps is one of the biggest and most important studies of your generation anywhere in the world.

It began following 16,000 young people, born in 1989-1990, who were in Year 9 in 2004 at state or independent secondary schools across England.

From the time you turned 14, the study has gathered information on different aspects of your lives, including family, friends, health, housing, education, jobs, what you do in your spare time, your neighbourhoods, and your hopes for the future.

Now you are an adult, we have continued to ask you about those things, as well as your careers, finances, relationships and marriage, parenthood, and your attitudes and beliefs.

We hope to keep following you throughout your lives, building a complete picture of what life is like for your generation.

In this section

Why is Next Steps so important?

The information you have provided has informed government policy on a wide range of issues, and ultimately helped bring about changes in schools, colleges and services for all young people. Read more about what we’ve learned.

What have we learned about employment?

Youth employment is a major concern facing UK society today. Next Steps has contributed significantly to our understanding of young people’s experiences of the labour market.

Children with special needs more likely to be bullied

Pupils with special educational needs are more likely to suffer from persistent bullying, according to new research based on Next Steps and a study of children born in 2000-01.