Management and funding

Who runs the study?

Since 2013 Next Steps has been run by the Centre for Longitudinal Studies (CLS) at the UCL Social Research Institute.

Next Steps is one of a series of studies managed by CLS:

  • 1958 National Child Development Study (people born in 1958)
  • 1970 British Cohort Study (people born in 1970)
  • Next Steps (that’s you!)
  • Child of the New Century (people born in 2000-01)

You can find out more about CLS at

Before CLS, from 2004 to 2013, Next Steps was run by the UK government’s Department for Education (DfE).

Who funds the study?

An organisation called the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) funds the study. It is one of seven independent research funders in the UK.

You can find out more about the ESRC at